mercredi 31 juillet 2013

An interesting way to teach math

Here's an article about a fun equation. Basically, a mathematics professor and a student modeled a zombie outbreak, to see what would happen. It had some interesting results--for example, the only way to deal with them is actually repeated, agressive attacks.

The most interesting aspct, however, is that the equation is being used to teach mathematical modeling. Math is hard to learn--it's so abstract and taught so poorly most of the time that kids really struggle to stay awak for it, much less internalize anything. But as any gamer can tell you, make those numbers mean something and it's suddenly pretty easy to pay attention. While I think we're on the downward part of the current zombie popularity curve, they're certainly still in the public eye to a sufficient degree to make using them as a teaching tool powerful.

My boss and I were discussing unintended consequences the other day. Here's a perfect example: make movies, teach math! :D

via JREF Forum

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