lundi 26 août 2013

Debating with GOP While High

I posted this, at a Republican forum I like to argue at:

"However, 90% of my students are free-and-reduced lunch kids. Their parents are on welfare, for the most part. It is an incredibly bad neighborhood. I've been teaching for 15 years, so I know many many families on welfare. Trust me, you don't want to be in that situation. The parents who aren't hooked on anything are desperate to get out of it, but they can't survive without it. They'll take part-time work, even if it doesn't pay more than their benefits. They want jobs, not to sit at home all day. I see them working at the fast-food strips on the highway going through town. That's where a lot of my parent conferences are held!

I don't want my students to not have access to free meals. Even if it means some free-loaders mooch. And you guys want to cut food stamps? Aren't you supposed to be the Christian party? Didn't Christ throw out the money changers? I don't think he was really into protecting their interests. What, does charity begin at home? Screw everyone else?

I don't understand this MEANNESS coming from the GOP: "I got mine, screw anyone else". You've become the Gordon Gecco/Ayn Rand party. Income disparity is obscene now. It's at an all-time high. The top 1% control 40% of the wealth. And you guys consistently go to bat for them! Help me understand where you're coming from. Why do you protect rich people and vote to cut food stamps? What motivates you to do that? I don't understand the callous disregard to the poor. Are they subhuman, in the eyes of the GOP? Have they failed at life, and must be pruned from the vine?

The pleading is almost palpable. I'm practically on my knees, begging for some kind of explanation. I simply cannot fathom where they are coming from. It's like communicating with an alien race, whose values are totally different than yours.

via JREF Forum

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