mercredi 28 août 2013

Precog Gaming and spacial recognition

I believe that everyone has the inherent ability to experience things in different ways-can't get more vague than that right.

Every day we use spacial recognition unconsciously-otherwise how would we be able to instantly identify something around us. The more things we know the higher likelihood that you can make an educated guess/assumption about what it is/does. (Unless you at the end of hometime trying to figure out what Norm has just put on the table)

When you play the game memory as a child you are training your brain to recognize the shapes or pictures and remember where they are if you haven't made a match. You have a set of parameters the numbers of cards, the individual pictures to match. You mix the cards up lay them out and play a game.

When your an adult you have been conditioned to discount the game as a game. You don't have time for that and science tells you that it's impossible to tell the future precognitively. But who hasn't had moments of deja vu at one time or another?

Being able to know something before it happens depends on numerous factors. Some people will say well my spirit guide showed/told me. Well I believe in spirits the accuracy of such things are so few and far between that of course it's discounted as a fake art or skill. I believe in the ability of people to make and change their destiny as well as others.

When we were huddled in groups of 20-30 people for protection from the dangers of the world it's easy to make a prediction of something and be accurate. But as our population expands those factors that made accurate predictions accurate tends to be on a sliding scale. As an individual who has given tarot readings I tell people that I can only tell you what I see in the cards. And the fact that you have asked the cards something doesn't mean it's going to come about because now that you know you have the choice to make or not make it happen. Yet still when a boss was going away for a trip and asked me for reading the night before and I told him watch out for the law. When he came back in a few days it was my fault he got a ticket speeding for running late not that he overslept. When I told a family friend who had just moved back to state that she was going to have another kid she told me I was wrong because her boyfriend assured her he couldn't-a few months later she texts me to say that they are pregnant. But I digress. Once you know what the future has in store you can change it things happen as they may and there are certain principals which are set events. Your born you die damn near everything in between that is up for grabs of what you make it. Yet still there are factors that limit that. If cancer runs in your family the likelihood of you catching it is higher than the next person but not guaranteed. If your Black the likelihood of you having a stroke is raised just by those genes. But there are certain preventatives and again not guaranteed.

So the factors of knowing something depends largely on what you teach/show yourself. So why is the ability to tell the future so misunderstood? So discounted?

I believe you can teach yourself, build on your deja vu so to speak just by playing a game. There is a game that I play called Mahjong Dimensions. You have 5.50 to clear three boards of times, each obviously with more times. And like memory you make matches to clear the screen. Most people will play for high score. I don't care about the score, score is just what they do to make you compete at whose better in this instance yourself since they don't show others scores on the site. I suggest that you play this game and you practice spacial recognition by clearing the tiles without turning the shape. That you go slow and don't use the cheat in the corner as a crutch that shows the tiles as your mouse scrolls over them. Even if you attempt to play the game a few times once you recognize the shapes and the games parameters you'll see it's not easy to clear three screen without turning the cube. But as and if you get into it consciously you will recognize that you are using spacial recognition as much as a precognitive intuition.

I myself clear all three screens more often than not with anything from 1 second to over a minute left. Oh and I forgot to mention above that even though your on a time limit make yourself go slow when you start. Accuracy and speed comes as you accustom yourself and you'll have to consciously slow yourself down. You'll also be using your left and right brain simultaneously, consciously-unless I'm mistaken about right eye/left brain left eye/right brain theory I heard once somewhere.

Most won't take it seriously or try the game best version I found is actually on zwinky of all sites. And those who attempt the game typically give up in frustration given the parameters I added. I'll end this here and leave it to you the reader to decide.

via JREF Forum

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