vendredi 27 septembre 2013

Web Development - Hosting and Sharing Data on your Website

I started a sports statistics/betting blog about a year and a half ago. The blog is very numbers heavy and a lot of what I do pertains to sharing data in table and chart form. So far, I've been kludge-ing my way through it using Google Spreadsheets and Google Fusion Tables as a rudimentary backend database (see here for an example).

However, I'm looking for something more reliable as well as a solution that can protect my data (in order to use Google's tools, I have to make the spreadsheets and fusion tables publicly viewable).

However, despite a lot of googling, I can't seem to figure out where to start. Part (or all) of the problem is that prior to starting the blog I knew nothing about web development and even now just know enough html and javascript to get by.

Here is an example from an NFL website of something I would like to set up: Advanced QB Stats

Basically, I would like to host data tables that visitors could query interactively based on certain parameters (team, player, season, etc.). Not sure if this matters, but my website is hosted by Google, through their Blogger service. My domain name is registered through enom.

Any pointers would be appreciated. Or is there a good forum/website out there that would help me get started?

via JREF Forum

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