vendredi 27 septembre 2013

White Nationalists Upset at lack of Credit for Inventing GOP 'Whites-Only' strategy

Over at VDARE, the white nationalist website named after the first child born to English immigrants to America (ironic, given their anti-immigration stance), John Derbyshire (the contributor to the white nationalist magazine American Renaissance and regular fixture at their conferences who was kicked out of his job at National Review for being a racist and whose articles are popular repost material at the neo-Nazi website Stormfront) laments that the GOP's popular new strategy to win elections by appealing solely to white voters isn't being properly credited to his fellow racists at VDARE who came up with that strategy.

As Right Wing Watch says, "We don't agree with John Derbyshire on a lot, but we do agree with him on one thing: Republican proponents of the Sailer Strategy should give credit where credit's due."

via JREF Forum

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