dimanche 29 décembre 2013

American Thinker thinks Russian anti-gay laws are necessary

Yes, this is from the American Thinker. Where all Real Americans™ get their ideological talking points.

It goes into depth about how Russia is on the right track in regards to homosexuality.


Over the last few years I have pondered the question -- what would have happened had the gay rights movement not made so many mistakes? What if they had focused on building up a functional, healthy gay culture, rather than ignoring the problems under their noses and waging pointless symbolic wars over marriage, not to mention the fool's errand of adoption, which is the wrong thing to propose to a community full of men who sodomize boys?

Did you know that the gay community is full of men that sodomize boys? Neither did I. In fact this kind of made up "fact" is the kind of thing I constantly run into when I troll through the latest rantings of the anti-gay community. Something I do quite frequently since, you know, I hate conservatives.


Gay male culture in the United States, Canada, Latin America, and much of Europe is sick. It is literally plagued with disease -- not only HIV (which is rising again), but also syphilis (which has made a comeback). And Michelangelo Signorile, the dowager prince of gay news at the Huffington Post, admitted at long last what gay watchdog groups had been denying for decades upon decades: the chronic, timeless state of the homosexual man is to chase after pubescent boys.

Hmm, here we have some actual claims. Is HIV climbing again?

Well, it seems for the overall population that it isn't. Yes it seems there has been a recent uptick in gay male infections. But what about lesbians? Apparently still almost nonexistent.

But what is the point in even bringing this up? You know what also is good for spreading std's? Large heterosexual orgies. Yet, strangely, people engaging in them are allowed to marry, adopt and generally get on with their lives.

Funny how discordance like that shows up.


Perhaps, if the West's gay community had not become so sick, there would be no "anti-gay" law in Russia, and perhaps the judges in India would have been less inclined to uphold the ban on sodomy. We will never know what might have been. We know what is. The West's gay community is sick, and I cannot blame countries outside the West for deciding to take extreme measures.

Oh you silly gays. Look what you made me do? Why'd you make me hit you? Can't you see how it hurts me to have to harm you?


via JREF Forum http://forums.randi.org/showthread.php?t=271077&goto=newpost

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