mardi 31 décembre 2013


This is supposed to be a site of skeptics not juvenile individuals who degenerate what they don't understand or fit their self-conditioned and perceived views.

I'm fairly sure this is likely to offend someone and that's not the intention which is why I put the thread in Education.

I stand by my beliefs and have always considered myself willing to evolve them if more information is presented that is more fitting. Other than that I don't change my views back and forth with the popular view or peer pressure.

The only thing I have to say so far about the site which bothers me is the way that people throw the word woo around to degenerate and ridicule people and topics on this site. The word association of the word woo is offensive in ways that just grind my last nerve to say the least.

If before you read this thread you've come across any of my other thread posts they as I said I stand by my views and they have a woo-ish bent. SO you; whomever you may be; who don't know or have any woo ability of your own to so casually continuously throw the word about because you can't do or understand resort to grade school ridicule. I don't know about where your from but woo is a word association for crack rolled up and smoked with tobacco or pot for crackheads. Which is the general mentality when you people use the word woo for the crackpots who come up with the ideas your ridiculing in one way or another. Well I admit to a bit crazy I am no crackpot so the insolent usage of the word woo is like a white person saying the word ****** trying to be cool and fit in with everyone else.

And before someone has a hissy fit over my stand over the use of the word woo-much less how I put it-something I highly doubt any of the other woo believers have ever dared do before on the site, but then personal arrogance toward my beliefs in regard to 'woo' and the formations of my own woo-ish ideas and speculations. The way your own personal arrogance seems to think that it's appropriate to ridicule people whom you yourselves state may or may not be unbalanced because of said belief in woo-ish topics and subjects. And before someone goes oh no she didn't use the n-word, I'm black and I have never used the word before except it seemed appropriately offensive to get the point across how the word 'woo' is and could be just as offensive to some.

The sad part is that I am aware that woo isn't a slang term reserved for the JREF forums for years now- so why bother pointing it out. Well for one I could never abide a bully and that is what you attempt to do with the usage of the word.

So yeah I'm a Solitary/Heathen/Witch and my practice and belief is woo I don't hide or deny it and have embraced it since I was 16 years old. And I personally am tired of the ridicule, superstitious dogma and conditioning people have toward the subject because of their own ignorance and lack of understanding or ability themselves in what they perceive as woo-ish arts and crafts. I have a modicum of intelligence to expect to some extent just such behaviour up to and until such a point because that's how people are. Which means as I go through the thread just like any poster of woo will be looking for concepts and conversations that are not just woo but I will be interjecting some woo if I deem respond. So either your gunna get some good laughs or learn something the same way I will.

via JREF Forum

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