lundi 31 mars 2014

Business Owner: All Minorities Look Gay

In a number of States, citizens are fighting for what they perceive to be their religious freedom. According to their religious beliefs, homosexuality is not merely a sin but an "abomination" (Leviticus 18:22) and those that practice it deserve death (Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:32). On this basis, they refuse to serve or deal with anyone who is a homosexual. After all, if homosexuals deserve to be put to death, and denial of service is much less severe than killing, then denying service must also be permissible.

Several States specifically allow overt discrimination against homosexuals. In one of those States, a property owner is taking this to its next logical step (story here):


"Big" Ted Noddy owns the Cooper building in downtown Manson. On the first floor, he operates Big Ted's Restaurant, and he rents out apartments on the two upper floors.

At his restaurant, he won't serve minorities. No Blacks, no Hispanics, no one wearing any atire he deems strange; they all get asked to leave. He won't rent his apartments to them, either.

His reason? They all look gay to him.

As a religious man, Big Ted feels that he has a religious right not to serve gay customers, and not to rent to gay tenants. And further, he says, all minorities look like they're gay.

"People don't wear signs saying that they are sodomites," Big Ted observed. "And often if you ask them, they'll lie. So I have to go by looks. And dark-skinned people seem to me to be just as gay as those limp-wristed lisping fruitbats, so I refuse to deal with all of them. This is what God's Word commands."

Big Ted has consulted a lawyer, who says that this sort of discrimination is permissible. "Mr. Noddy is entitled by law to discriminate against those who are gay," said attorney Upton O'Goode. "He is therefore entitled by law to discriminate against those he believes to be gay. Further, his belief that gayness is related to skin color is a sincerely-held religious belief, and cannot be questioned. Mr. Noddy has nothing whatsoever against minorities. He is not a racist. But he has a strong religious objection to homosexuals, and to him, all minorities are homosexual, whether they admit it or not."

via JREF Forum

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