dimanche 30 mars 2014

Human greed versus logic

Discussing a theory has to obviously involve a basic idea regarding who is involved and why the involvement would include conspiracy.

Government's such as America demonstrate to have always been involved in 1. secret orders associated to religious factions

2. these orders involved secret discussions and elitism

3. these orders involved the discussions relative to religious pursuit, as leadership, governing, power mongering, monetary gain and world control.

Therefore Government ideals such as in America were involved in espionage, the gaining of informed power assisting methodology, which included the gain of scientific awareness and new ideas for the personal gain of monetary benefits and also for power control, as a theme for worldwide domination. This has always involved religious ideals (fanaticism) along with scientific (alchemical) powers. This was why those in power worldwide even of religious intent have pursued Scientific exploration for self gain of money and elitism.

What has happened in America to gain such a conspiracy overview regarding 911 and previous incidences? Their financial losses and also the inability to gain any new form of scientific theory or developed science as the pursuit for not only enabling a resource of future intent as a world leader, but to ascertain personal monetary control and self benefit of this control as a world leader.

This led to the leaking of information from humans involved in the secret sciences at NASA involving Government pursuit of these powers. Hence it came to public awareness that they were involved in occult studies that included the psyche as states of mental health, brain development, activation of brain imagery etc. through drug taking experiments, psychic experiments and brain experiments, which is easily established via the amount of money spent at NASA on such pursuits involving the secret sciences called the occult.

The dispute of the occult as a spiritual pursuit is obviously one that previously caused a religious dispute between logical and illogical data causing religion to separate from alchemy. Yet why would any astute or supposedly intelligent human being as a Scientist be involved in spiritual matters as demonstrated by NASA and the Government themselves...having an organization involved in this pursuit through the gathering of intelligence...the CIA.

This obviously leads the discussion to Russia and their older Scientific methods of brain message study, psychic contact and also brain states that caused intelligence concern through espionage situations ....that psychics could disturb the Government officials brain states when they visited Russia. Hence this pursuit in America obviously demonstrated by NASA is evidently an important discussion, as they themselves have demonstrated just how much testing has been involved in these studies.

Therefore when it was leaked to the public that NASA was involved in paranormal events, and that the CIA through the American institution were involved in mind contact and also mind control pursuits for the purpose of espionage, then it was taken seriously by many in the American public.

Evidently the paranormal situation the CIA were involved with is linked to UFO and its witnessing and also the paranormal events involved in the witnessing, such as human attacks as a physical mind state and also a physical cell state alteration, as per evidence world wide.

What was seen a year before the 911 buildings fell? UFO bodies were witnessed hovering outside of windows. How would this information advise us of the conspiracy that involves occult methods and also world finance at the 911 building incidences? MIND CONTROL obviously, the ability to access a human mind for the purpose of persuading particular choices and actions to take place to support the American Market and also the gain of control in the market itself.

Obviously you would need just as I have to ask yourself could mind control be gained? This would and should lead you to question, what is paranormal the discussions of spirit and brain states? If not for a scientific understanding of how a human being as a mind state (chemical) and a cellular state (chemical reactions) could be affected as an attack and as a personal choice without the human identifying that their choices are being controlled or possessed?

What were the ancients actually discussing that became a religious pursuit for higher intelligent thinking as the purpose of teaching humanity the reverence for life?

What we would imply is the spirit of life or the breath of life....oxygen itself as a religious review involving alchemy, as demonstrated was the ancient practices.

Therefore as many archaeological evidence has supplied human beings seem to have been intelligent in our ancient history and were also destroyed enmasse by discovery of nucleated sites and bodies. Hence spiritual teachings seem to have a method applied as a teaching implement and purpose regarding the ancient evidence that human beings have a self destructive nature. Therefore spiritual teachings seem to actually imply a purpose in our social standards for life continuance.

If not, then why would such institutions such as the Catholic Church be involved once again in science and the pursuit of science itself?

Therefore when you logically apply this information to the American Government and their occult associations, then it is obvious that they are involved in a method of utilizing the atmospheric transmissions for their own purposes of world control via satellite transmissions and imagery (caused by falling sound bodies changing sound-transmission contacts)....imagery that we could call spirit encounters that involves the actual changing of our brain chemistry, providing the evidence of cellular alteration also.

Hence secret Government atmospheric testing via satellite and then the observation upon the human cell is obviously the secret the American Government is involved in, especially when science has stated that it is looking for what is explained as a God cell, for the purpose of trying to identify cell replacement as per human cellular information. This displays their own greedy purpose as a future resource test experiment, whilst also destroying the atmosphere in which we all live.

It would be why such statements were released that the secret organizations involving Government officials believed that a huge loss of human life was worth their illegal associations to occult study and occult applications. It is all about GREED.

Hence as stated by those who release secret information concerned for our future life and humanity, they suddenly find themselves murdered or supposedly accident deceased or via a suicide that did not seem to involve a personal life event. Hence many involved in these situations dispute the Government and have tried to gain public support of the illegal CIA involvement in personal human life espionage.

Having this mind control signal would allow them to motivate and use criminals in a new espionage. Therefore this would allow them to secretly pursue criminal activity without involving the American Government.

Therefore as espionage has always involved control of personal choice, to have mind contact and mind alteration information regarding chemical exchanges, the ability to receive imagery by satellite transmissions involved in choice making and thinking purposes, then it is obvious what is happening to us all....America already is using this satellite program, they are attacking us as a physical being, to gain data, and also a feedback program as a computer relayed system.

You can look at how information can be relayed, received and fed back via computer programs not involved in either a telephone system or electrical system. Therefore we have the demonstration that this form of atmospheric signal attack and relay is developed and can be applied to the human cell and chemical responses via a data program.

As human choice is involved in the money market, then as America seems to have made poor choices in their intelligence, using a mind contact mind control signal would not have achieved the espionage they wanted. After all it is still run by a human being thinking for other human beings.

Therefore this led to the American decisions to actually cause a terrorist situation themselves altering their financial control loss in the world market. It would have been the only solution, to cause blame of terrorism on other countries as the act of terrorism was to cause the exchange in other countries financial markets to not be supported as terrorist acts demonstrate.

Hence it would have allowed America to gain a position of control that they were fast losing.

The evidence is obvious, if you care to look into scientific pursuits of this Government, the obvious UFO fallout situation first established by scientific testing to NASA's own secret UFO testing applications, to the receipt of personal human attacks worldwide via these radiation (radio) signals that were contacting human beings and altering the brain receptors.

I therefore came to realize myself that this situation relates to the occult, to NASA and to the American Government and their pursuit for world takeover and it is much more sinister that previously thought.

I apply to this theory because the American Intelligent organization has demonstrated world wide how acute their intelligent spy information is. They know what terrorists are plotting via their televised demonstrations of listening to these groups. Hence how could American intelligence have allowed such a huge terrorist attack to occur only from the review of how acute intelligence actually is regarding America.

How would a Government go about arranging for a world wide deceit to cause a situation to support their own methodology of espionage?

Having mind control allows the criminal to be used as a victim and is the ugliest deceit that any human being has ever committed as a criminal act in human life.

Would any one of us really question would a greedy power mongering self control human being go to this extent to obtain what they proposed was total world control......of course they would.

What everyone should question is can mind control be caused?

Drug taking and mind altering effects at a chemical based level provide the evidence, as has supposedly the physical condition called mind possession...as a discussion that causes physical displacement to be observed along with the hearing of voices telling you what to do.

Apply this information to a controlled satellite program caused by nucleated transmissions as fall out (burnt transmissions) and you have the obvious solution for a Government to study these transmissions and then use them themselves regarding brain control.

via JREF Forum http://ift.tt/1jNQm04

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