lundi 31 mars 2014

The universe and mortality fully explained

I wish to take a few minutes out of my day to explain the universe to you. If you take the time to read the following explanation, you will thus understand the universe better and then, yourself.

First, and most important, the universe is one thing, one energy. It is the only entity which is one thing, everything else is a part or a fraction if you will of this one energy. In short, the universe is one single energy.

This can be easily seen if one believes the big bang theory, where the universe once existed as a small single unit of energy. A singularity some call it. This was the one time that the universe was being honest, was showing its true self, and could easily be understood. It was one single unit of pure energy, and it was not divided. It was uniform and it was itself.

Today, the universe is still itself, but in disguise. It has expanded, it is mostly space and it has divided itself into infinite number of shapes and sizes.

But it is still important to view the universe as to what it truly is,,,,,the only single entity that exists. take a hydrogen atom for example. you will notice that hydrogen atom here is the exact same as a hydrogen atom elsewhere. that is because hydrogen atoms are not separate entities, they are simply part of a whole, they are the same thing, part of one single energy we call the is everything else around us....

When we smash matter down small enough in our atom smashers, we discover the real truth, that down small enough, matter turns into the same energy that exists everywhere,,,the same basic energy that existed at the singularity in the big bang,,,the same basic energy that really hasn't changed, the same single basic energy called the universe.

You and I are part of this same single energy. The universe likes to spread out and divide itself into many forms, an infinite variety of of those forms is you and I.

you and I think we are individuals separate from the universe, but this is the grand fact we are all one, all part of this single energy.

This can easily be seen if we dare to really look. We are born,,and we don't really know why or how,,,we basically come from nowhere...we die one day,,,back into nowhere we go. While we are alive....we suck the universe into our lungs,,,we eat the universe into our stomachs and we **** the universe out our rectums. We are basically allowing the one energy,,,the universe to flow into and out of us....all our lives. We exchange atoms continually.... we feel the same,,,but we are constantly changing into different forms...we look different with age and we are held together basically with memory until we die.

Death.... is the same as birth. Our bodies,,,like all parts of the one energy called the universe,,,,constantly change. one of these changes we call death. But when we die,,,we don't stop being what we have always been....the universe....we just change.....

The one energy called the universe can only experience when it is conscious. so when one conscious being dies.....the universe can only experience when another conscious entity is born.

The universe can experience only one at a when one consciousness dies,,,another is born. Death in effect is the same as birth. When you and I (parts of the one energy known as the universe)die,,,we are immediately born....

Why are we immortal,,,.......because we are the universe, we can be nothing else.....and our consciousness is the energy of the universe flowing through our minds....its is experiencing is experiencing the universe.......

A brilliant guy who died back in 1973 had a very good way of explaining this,,,just in case you were not able to understand what I have said. please listen to some of his lectures which have been turned out into you tube videos.....maybe he can turn you on to what you really are, maybe he can turn you on to what truly is the ultimate reality.

via JREF Forum

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