samedi 28 juin 2014

Tell Me About Your Local 2014 Election Candidates

I'll start with one particular race among many that I find interesting.

I live in Kansas district 1 in terms of my representative for The House... which means I'm represented by Tim Huelskamp, of all people. He's a main player in the hyping of the VA "scandal" that was partially caused by underfunding, and he's never met a spending bill that he could actually vote for. Another highlight of his career was that he was kicked off of the Agricultural Committee by his own party for being a belligerent ass. He's basically a part of the Tea Party faction.

He has one moderate opponent in the Republican primary. His name is Alan LaPolice, and he is actually fairly local to me, and I've actually got several family members that are "friended" to his personal (not the political one) FaceBook page. He's a former "school administrator" (not sure exactly what that means... Principal?)at a school I used to play football against back in the day. I haven't met him face to face, but I've discussed things with him through FB and he seems a fairly decent guy for a Republican. He's not well known, but he could actually win the primary if Huelskamp is as unpopular as I think he is.

He also has a Democrat challenger by the name of Jim Sherrow, who is the former Mayor of Manhattan, KS. and has been a History professor at Kansas State University (which is also in Manhattan). You might think that there's no way that a Dem can win in this district (and historically, you'd be right), but if there's anyone that can do it, it's Sherrow... and he's also got my vote.

via JREF Forum

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