jeudi 29 janvier 2015

Say it isn't so Jehova

For the first time since I moved two years ago I had a visit from a couple Jehovah's Witnesses this morning. They started by asking me if knew of any government was not corrupt and pointed me at a passage of Ecclesiastes that explained that all Men were imperfect. And thus concluding that there would never be an incorrupt government. I said that I did not follow this logically and the conversation trailed off when I noted that the world "democracy" does not appear in the Bible but that word "fryingpan" does. The junior (senior?) member of the team remarked, "You know your Bible".

I then decided to check what the JW's current prediction of the End of the World (as we know it) was given their multitudinous failures over the last 75 years. When I had done this at the previous visit, I was told that, "we don't do that any more". This time I was told that I must have got them mixed up with some other . . . um . . . cult as they had never made any such predictions! I said, "That's interesting. So now you are not only refusing to update, you are also denying you every did make such predictions"? Cognitive dissonance did not immediately manifest itself other than a return to the verse in Ecclesiastes and a repeat of the original thesis re government.

We wished each other a good morning and they went their way.

Checking on I see that the waffling started in 1996:


In 1996-APR, the WTS changed their criteria for TEOTWAWKI. "They now say that the generation that saw the events of 1914 is actually any generation that understands what happened" at that time. 5 This allows an indefinite delay in the arrival of Armageddon -- for millennia if necessary.



The "yeartext" for 2004, published in the WTS Yearbook is: "Keep on the Watch... Prove Yourselves Ready." It is a quotation taken from Matthew 24:42-44. This yeartext is accompanied with the following remarks:

"Consistently, God's Word reminds us that Jehovah's day will arrive with shocking suddenness. Hence, our yeartext for 2004 reflects Jesus' deep love for his disciples, whom he wants to preserve through 'the great tribulation.' (Rev. 7:14 ) How do we remain spiritually watchful and ready? By allowing nothing to distract us from our study of God's Word and from our privileges of sacred service."

Standing by. :relieved:

via International Skeptics Forum

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