dimanche 26 avril 2015

"Little Boy" is a deeply disturbing "Christian" film

So, "Little Boy" is one of the new "faith" movies out there. I normally don't care much about the "faith" movie industry. While I may find them amusing as a glimpse into the thought processes used by very religious people, I am not curious enough to sit through one of the movies.

Then I learned what it was about. A little boy wants his father to return home from world war 2, so god in his infinite wisdom and power nukes Japan. I couldn't believe it when i read this at first, but yes, the movie portrays the nuking of Japan as a heartwarming event that reunites a father with his son.

Who in their right minds thought that they should make a feel-good movie about a boy's prayers facilitating the nuking of Japan? That this movie was made and released across the country is a damning indictment of US culture and values. That it is a "christian" film is a damning indictment of the brand of Christianity that would fund and promote such a hideous idea for a movie.

Trying to whitewash one of the most notable and terrible acts of mass murder in history as god rewarding a little boys faith approaches "Birth of a Nation" levels of derangement in my opinion.

via International Skeptics Forum http://ift.tt/1QwQQ8i

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