jeudi 25 juin 2015

What would a total economic collapse in the USA REALLY look like?

Let's put aside the zombie apocalypse fantasies and survivalist rhetoric.

Let's look for relatively realistic scenarios here. I came across this article detailing a recent Congressional Budget Office Report while looking up reports on the TPP deal.


Congressional Budget Office Warns of Coming Complete Economic Collapse


We’ve been saying it for years here at The economy is on its way to collapse. Usually when we say it, however, people point to the stock market and claim it’s not so bad because the market is on the rise. People also say our claims are in place simply because we don’t agree with Obama’s policies. We stand by our assertion the economy is on its way to collapse because it is. It’s not what we want. It’s not what we hope for. It just is what it is. The writing is on the wall and anyone who ignores it does so at their own peril.

Today there is a new report that elevates the danger to a whole new level. It’s no longer just alternative media pointing to the coming collapse. No, now it’s the actual Congressional Budget Office....

CBO report:

If current laws remained generally unchanged, federal debt held by the public would exceed 100 percent of GDP by 2040 and continue on an upward path relative to the size of the economy—a trend that could not be sustained indefinitely.
So, let's have it. Let's say the worst has happened. US govt defaults, announces the worst possible scenario for the economy. the FED can't save us with all it's worthless money printing. What will happen? Like Weimar Germany pre Nazi regime? wheelbarrows of dollars for a candy bar? worse?

Seems like it's only a matter of time now, and no one seems to give a darn. Just more kicking the tin can down the road while politicians line their pockets with lobbyist money.

via International Skeptics Forum

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