dimanche 23 août 2015

Health Consequences and Opportunities tied to AGW

Impacts of climate change on human health -


An extensive study on the links between climate change and human health was published in The Lancet on June 23, 2015. The report was produced by the 2015 Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change, which consists of 45 experts with diverse backgrounds in areas such as public health, climate science, and public policy…

Climate change will have both direct and indirect effects on human health, as detailed in the new report. Direct effects include injuries and lives lost to extreme weather events, which are expected to worsen with climate change. Examples of extreme weather events that directly impact health include heat waves, floods, and droughts. Indirect effects include the resulting health impacts from the spread of disease vectors such as malaria carrying mosquitoes into new habitats and food insecurity issues. Sea level rise is also expected to have many indirect effects on health because it will displace people from coastal communities, which can cause distress, and contaminate drinking water supplies with salt.

The report notes that many of the mitigation and adaption measures that have been put forward to address climate change will also have important co-benefits for health. Importantly, reducing CO2 emissions through the use of more renewable energy and low-carbon technologies (think electric vehicles) will not only slow climate change, this will also improve air quality and decrease respiratory diseases…

The report is available for free with registration on The Lancet’s website. There is a concise Executive Summary in the report that elaborates on many of the key findings described above. Each key finding is accompanied by one or more recommendations that could help to spur more action on these important issues….
Link to actual report - http://ift.tt/1PK9Bn9

via International Skeptics Forum http://ift.tt/1MMAdWi

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