mercredi 21 octobre 2015

#FeesMustFall - Student Protests in South Africa

I know there are a couple of South African forum members as well as a number of non-South Africans who are interested in the country (mostly just in our rugby team!), so I thought this might be a topic of some interest.

Currently in South Africa there are wide raging protests at Universities due to a substantial hike in tuition and registration fees planned for 2016.

Some links:

Live News Updates

Some people liken the actions to the Arab Spring

Titter Hastag for the movement

The whole situation is of interest to me because I am (a) a lecturer at a South African University (one that so far has NOT had any protests), and (b) I am a student at another University.

I'm a position to see both sides of the coin, so to speak.

Is anybody else following this?

via International Skeptics Forum

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