dimanche 23 octobre 2016


HyperNormalisation is a new movie by Adam Curtis. You may have seen previous movies by him with the titles "The Power of Nightmares" and "Bitter Lake" which both used a lot of archive footage to tell some complex narrative about The Way the World is Today.

Although I often enjoy Curtis's films for the music and footage he edits together, I often find some of his theories to be a tad overblown and borderline conspiratorial.

I have not yet watched this one, but I am going to link to the video of it:


I have put this in Social Issues and Current Events because his movies are supposed to be about Current Events and why they are happening. I suppose it could have been in the Movies and Music forum, or even the Conspiracy Theories forum, or possibly the Economics forum, but I am going to put it here in the off-chance that others here are interested in discussing it.

So, has anyone watched it yet? What did you think of it? Was it believable or was it pretentious?

via International Skeptics Forum http://ift.tt/2ejUWYz

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