mardi 6 juin 2017

Melania NOT Moving

Odd, but understandable, Melania refused to move into the White House stating Baron's need to stay near his school...well, it's summer break...!

And this isn't a story, nor how she slaps his hands away, at least not beyond youtube.

For those who are politically astute, this presidency has been like defending truth against a storm of bee-lies with a tennis racket.

Melania and Baron are not living in the White House, even though the reason they gave has long since expired, and no one even notices...because "covfefe" wait, "Trump disses London Mayor"..."I want a real Muslim ban!"...that was yesterday...tomorrow Comey...this on top of scores of other bat-poop-crazy things this administration has done or said.

*Does the International Skeptics Forum have a resident "Ann Coulter?"

via International Skeptics Forum

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