vendredi 6 octobre 2017

Kazou Ishiguro Wins Nobel Prize for Literature

After last year'a silliness of awarding the prize to Bob Dylan, this year the Nobel people decided to give the award to a proper novelist who even writes accessible books. I've read three of his books all the way through, including Remains of the Day, which you can watch in a film starring Anthony Hopkins, Emma Thompson, Christopher Reeve and Sir John Gielgud. I also tried reading his arty novel called The Unconsoled which was written as a kind of dream fiction and didn't make a lot of sense to me. I also read half of Never Let Me Go which just seems to be about a bunch of kids at a boarding school or something. I gave up on that one as I began to doubt anything interesting was going to happen in it.

Anyway, I took a bit of enjoyment in telling my wife, "guess who won the Nobel prize for literature..."

"Was it a Japanese writer?"

"No, a British writer!"


"Kazou Ishiguro!"

Anyway, any thoughts? Any arguments? Any we-woz-robbeders?

via International Skeptics Forum

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