jeudi 12 octobre 2017

Man attempts suicide by cop in Norway

A 36 year old man tried to commit suicide by cop in Bergen back in June.

He got hold of a pistol, which he waved around in the street while shouting.

Police arrived and asked him to drop the gun. When he instead aimed the gun at the police, the police first fired a warning shot and then shot him in the leg.

The man was only lightly wounded, and later explained that it was a suicide attempt.

Source in Norwegian:


Selv om norsk politi brukte våpen 83 ganger i fjor, er det svært sjelden de dreper noen. Det har bare skjedd fire ganger mellom 2002 og 2016.

Til sammenligning skyter og dreper politiet i USA nesten tusen personer årlig.

Der er fenomenet med at folk ønsker å bli drept av politiet, «suicide by cop», velkjent. En studie fra 2009 viste at hver tredje person som ble skutt av politiet, hadde villet det selv.

Det kan også ha sammenheng med at politiet i USA skyter mot brystregionen, mens norsk politi er trent i skadebegrensning, og skyter mot armer og bein.

– I Norge er dette en dårlig måte å prøve å begå selvmord på. Vi skyter ikke for å drepe, sier Morten Ørn, leder for felles operativ enhet i Vest politidistrikt.

Even though Norwegian policed used their weapons 83 times last year, it's very rare that they kill anyone. It has only happened four times between 2002 and 2016.

In comparison, the American police kill almost a 1000 people each year.

There, the phenomenon of suicide by cop is well known. A study from 2009 showed that a third of those shot by police wanted to get shot.

Another reason is that American police aim for the chest, while Norwegian police are trained at limiting damage and shoot for the arms and legs.

"In Norway, this is not a good way to kill yourself. We don't shoot to kill" says Morten Ørn, leader of the Joint Operation Unit in the Western Police District.
We hear again and again from Americans that shooting at arms and legs is impossible, while us Europeans go "but police here has done that many times...."

Here's an example of just that. This man, like so many, was not a danger to anyone but himself. He needs psychiatric help. In the US, he would have been filled with bullets and died.

via International Skeptics Forum

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