samedi 6 janvier 2018

Ecstasy used for theraputic reasons?

Two weeks ago the man I loved committed suicide. Having had suffered for 40 years with clinical depression. He tried everything, every avenue for relief, even having EKG treatments.

About a year ago he started with peyote, guided by a "therapist". I saw it made him worse. Much worse. We had a huge argument and when I drew my boundaries and tried to remove myself, he did an immediate slide to the bottom. He continued to want me back and I finally opened the communication to email and phone.

Only 3 weeks prior to his death he found someone to give him MDA in a "guided ecstasy therapy". That he never shared with me. That I learned about at his memorial. A man who looked and acted like dead-man-walking, tortured and in pain . . . they gave it to him? They sold it to him. He paid them for it.

And yes, it is illegal, and I don't want to focus on pro's and con's of that. But in this situation, what should I do with this information?


via International Skeptics Forum

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