mercredi 7 mars 2018

Raw Sugar - A Myth?

I have spent a good part of my working life in many industries. One of these industries is sugar milling.

Now Iv'e been told by people in that industry that the product produced by them, which is "Raw Sugar", is classed as not fit for human consumption. If you visit a sugar mill you will see why, as the manufacturing environment is less than sanitary, and the sugar must go to a refinery to be made so.

So as I understand it the sugar is refined but some stuff like molasses is put back in and the product sold as "Raw Sugar". This is then sold at a higher price than the white "refined" stuff. This alone must make you wonder.

Do you think we are being conned?

Oh, here is an article about different types of sugar and the benefits thereof:

via International Skeptics Forum

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